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I throw myself down among the tall grass by the stream as Ilie close to the earth.
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I throw myself down among the tall grass by the stream as Ilie close to the earth.
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[DOWNLOAD] Ekene by Moses of Today
Ekene by Moses of Today
this song is a song you have to listen. Lead me is basically about how our inner thoughts can lead us towards a certain direction in life.
Elene ka odi. Me bulu egwum me we egwu chukwu bunye osa ukwuani umu chukwu ne egoli o.
1st Stanza: Anu me ebi enum o ka nne ebi uwa mo anu me ebi enu mo ka nne bi uwa me anu me ebi enu mo onye egbune nmadu ibe ye.
2nd Stanza:
Ana ebi enu enu chukwu nye li anyi onye egbuni nmadu ebe ye na uwa di ogbu o uwa di ogbu o chukwu ke li anyi olisha nnadim o na ene anyi anya o ko oo ona ene anyi anya o ko oo eee.
3rd Stanza:
chukwu keli uwa nnadim ana me ekeneyo anam ekene yo na olu oma ina alulum o anam ekene yo na olu oma ina alu li mo chineke nnam mo anam ekene yo o. Egede. anume ekene yo anam ekene yo chukwu anam ekene you chukwu keli enu wa ni e anu me ekene you chukwu keli enu uwa ni e anam ekene yo nnam anam ekene yo, anam ekene yo anam ekene yo chukwu anam ekene yo anam ekene yo ko ko oooo. Agu na eche obodo, oke oshimili ka obu, chukwu eze,
Stanza 4
: chukwu ekesie nmadu nye ya ife oji ebi enu oo olishe buluwa ekesie nu awa o onye anyi ife a ji ge ebi enu ka anyi ne bi enu anyi oo, onye achona nmadu onye achona nmadu ibe ye chi oko oo kooo agu neche obodo nnam anyi ne ekene yoo.
Stanza 5 :
Anam ebunye gi ekene ekene eze mgbe mgbe mgbe mgbe mgbe mgbe mgbe mgbe o eze mgbe mgbe mgbe mgbe mgbe mgbe mgbe mgbeo ogaga o chukwu keli enu na ani o anam ekene yo anam ekene yoo. Igwe kasi ani o chim oma eze ndi eze eze ndi eze eze eze oo koo ooh eeh oo anam ekene chukwu o chukwu anam ekene yo, ka ebu ni ahagi enu Agu na eche obodo,
Stanza 6 :
nmu ebulu egwu mo bunye chukwu kelim na nmu ebulu egwu mo bunye chukwu kelim o bunye chukwu kelim mo nnam me ekene yoo. Olu oma ina alulum, mighty man in battle chukwu e mighty man in battle chukwu e chukwu ke enu ngi keli ani o anyi na ebuni afa gi enu chukwu oma ihe ina alulu umu nwa ngei chukwu o, obu na chukwu adi ho ndu nte bu nmadu anwu ga ooo eze ndi eze uwa na acho nim kawa gbue
Stanza 7:
ko oo ko ooo hoo ko oo oo oooooo. Chukwu o chukwu o chukwu o chukwu oma Chukwu o chukwu o chukwu o chukwu oma eze eze eze ndi eze oo ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh eey ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oo eey ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh eeh nnam me ekene yo, anam ebi enu mo Jehovah anam ebi o anam ebi enu mo ko ooh anam ebi enu mo chukwu o anam ebi uwa me na nmu ne bi enumo na nmu ne bi ee ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ye yee o ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oooooo

[DOWNLOAD] Lead me by moses of today
Lead me by Moses of Today, this song is a song you have to listen. Lead me is basically about how our inner thoughts can lead us towards a certain direction in life.
Stanza 1
Na So, mighty man in battle
Big man seek for Jesus o, are you a big man seek for Jesus o big man seek for Jesus o not when you’re in trouble you seek for Jesus o Jesus may say no, Are you a rich man are you a rich man seek for Jesus o, are you a rich man seek for Jesus o, seek for Jesus o seek for Jesus o not when you’re in trouble you seek for Jesus o Jesus may disappoint oo ah haa
Are you a rich man are you a rich man seek for Jesus o are you a rich man seek for Jesus o seek for Jesus o, not when you’re in trouble you seek for Jesus o Jesus may say no 2X
Though he’s a merciful God
Stanza 2
I am on my own I am on my own I no de spoil something oo I am on my own I no de find trouble I no de find trouble I am walking on the boundary I no de destroy things
Though there’s peace though there’s peace but seek for Jesus o, yes you have peace but seek for Jesus o seek for Jesus o you must seek for Jesus o not when you’re in trouble you seek for Jesus o, Jesus may say no, ah haa
Are you a rich man are you a rich man seek for Jesus o are you a rich man seek for Jesus o seek for Jesus o, not when you’re in trouble you seek for Jesus o Jesus may say no 2X
Stanza 3
Are you a leader are you a leader seek for Jesus o Are you King o seek for Jesus o King seek for Jesus o, not when you’re in danger you seek for Jesus o Jesus may say no, If Jesus doesn’t rule o if Jesus doesn’t rule o every ruler is ruling in vain, is ruling in vain is ruling in vain oo,
Look for Jesus now before it’s too late, brothers and sisters he will save you, he will deliver you no matter the condition you’re facing, Jesus is great, yes He’s Alfa and Omega ah haa
Are you a rich man are you a rich man seek for Jesus o are you a rich man seek for Jesus o seek for Jesus o, not when you’re in trouble you seek for Jesus o Jesus may say no 3X
Jebure jebure jebure jebure jebure jebure, aya nkete nke aya nkete nke, ele ne ka odi o
Chorus: Jesus o, Jesus Jesus o Jesus lead me let me go Jesus lead me let me return lead me let me go let me return in peace o 3X

[Download] We Are in Your Hands by moses of today
another music “we are in your hands” just released by moses of today will definitely be touching you with its unique melody and lyrics, so get ready to enjoy it.
We Are in Your Hands lyrics
Mighty God.
Authority of kingdom of darkness says they’re the owner of my soul, mammy water is claiming ownership of my life, witch doctors are saying they’re the owner of my soul, chineke o oh oh oh. Even my mother is saying she’s the ownership of my life, brothers and sisters o they claiming ownership of my soul, though she give birth to me but she’s not the owner of my life o chineke o oh oh oh oh oh, Chorus: chinekeo chinekeo chinekeo we’re in your hands o 2x
What they plot against the Lord he will put to an end, affliction shall not rise again
Stanza 2.
Every day I keep on asking rhetorically
Chorus: Rhetorically
Father father who’s the owner of my life
Chorus: uh uh uh
Every day I keep on asking rhetorically
Chorus: rhetorically
God o God o who’s the owner of my life
Chorus: uh uh uh
Though my daddy father me but not the owner of my soul oo, God o God o come and deliver us, chineke o chineke o chineke o oh oh oh oh oh,
Is it not the same God of yesterday remains today and forever, is it not the same God of Moses remains today and forever, is it not the same God that deliver Moses remains today, today and forever, God o God o God o come and deliver us
Chorus: Chinekeo chinekeo chinekeo we’re in your hands 2x.
Stanza 3
One more time I gwan to tell you now that Jesus Christ is Lord, no matter the plans of the evil ones.
I’m crying from the wilderness father come and deliver me, deliver me, I am crying from the wilderness father come and deliver me
Chorus: chinekeo chinekeo chinekeo we’re in your hands o
Contact With Me

Nevine Acotanza
Chief Operating OfficerI am available for freelance work. Connect with me via and call in to my account
Phone: +01234567890 Email: admin@example.com